SDMHA - End of Season - Thank You
2021-03-14Good evening Sooke Minor Hockey Families,
As the 2020/21 season came to an end today, I wanted to thank you all for your participation this season. A very unusual season to say the least, and hopefully one we don’t ever have to repeat! While we were challenged with COVID and were forced to practice only, I have to say how proud I am of all the coaches, assistant coaches and on ice helpers who all kept our kids engaged and having fun throughout the season. This was no easy task and I’m grateful that these parent volunteers took the time necessary to come up with practice plans that helped the kids improve their skills and also kept it fun enough to make the kids all want to keep coming back week after week.
Also big thanks to all the teams Managers and Safeties. While not being kept as busy as in most years, your roles are important and we appreciate your support of the teams.
To my fellow executives of the Association, thank you also for all your time and effort put into this season. We had several new members elected this past season and in a year we’ll never forget due to the pandemic, they all performed like seasoned veterans and have had many accomplishments. The countless hours you all put in don’t go unnoticed. We see it on and off the ice in how everything runs and in a year like this past one, everything went well. So again, a big thanks to all of you.
Finally to all our players and families, thank you for continuing to bring your kids out to all their ice times, partially dressing them at home, waiting outside to do your check in and then go in as a group. I know it was hard for us parents to not be able to watch our kids on the ice. I sure missed watching my kids and I’m sure you all did as well. Hopefully this will all just be a distant memory and soon we’ll all be back in the rink!
So despite the absence of games, I hope everyone had an enjoyable season and really look forward to the 2021/22 season and hope I will see all of you back! Please remember the registration is currently open online until the end of March.
We’ll also have the AGM coming up soon which will be held virtually once again. Stay tuned for more information on that!
Thank you all again, enjoy your off season and we look forward to seeing you in September.
Les Lewco
Sooke Minor Hockey Association