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Sooke Minor Hockey
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How to Include Attachments in your Email Announcements

  1. Click "Send Email Announcement"
  2. In the "Email Announcement Body" type some text to represent the attachment (as an example see step #4 below which has a screenshot attachment)
  3. Click and drag to select/highlight the text you just added.
  4. Click the LINK button in the toolbar to add an HTML hyperlink
  5. Click "Browse Server" 
  6. Wait for the CKFinder window to appear
  7. Click the "UPLOAD" button on the toolbar
  8. Select the file you want to upload
  9. Once uploaded, it should automatically be highlighted in the list
  10. Double click the highlighted item
  11. You should now have a link pointing to the attachment.

Important Information Regarding: U7/U9 Coaching and U11 Group Designations


SDMHA - Ice Schedules for First Two Weeks


Hockey Canada Online Officiating Training


SDMHA Safe Return to Play
